Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. TDA-3 Vehicles.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. TDA-3 Vehicles.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. TDA-3 Vehicles.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Measurement of the surface radioactive contamination level.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Driver of the RHM-6 Vehicle.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Air intake to determine the contamination level in smoke conditions.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Air intake to determine the contamination level in smoke conditions.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. TDA-3 Vehicles.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. Work of a TDA-3 Vehicle. Creation of aerosol screen.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. Creation of aerosol screen.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Observation with binoculars.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Decontamination of contaminated military vehicles' surface.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Wind speed measurement.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Measurement of the surface radioactive contamination level.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Measurement of the civilian vehicle's surface radioactive contamination level.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Contaminated warning tag. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. RHM-6 - Russian Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. NBC Reconnaissance Battalion. Air intake to determine the contamination level in smoke conditions.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. Creation of aerosol screen.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Unit Training Camp at the Lebyazhye training area of the Volgograd Region. Aerosol Counteraction Battalion. Work of a TDA-3 Vehicle. Creation of aerosol screen.