[English translation in progress (1)]
[English translation in progress (1)]
Genre photos. City life. Views of Belgorod. Branch of Finam Investment Bank. A sign of Finam Bank listing its services: broker, investment, currency exchange.
Genre photo. Branch of Finam Investment Bank. Finam bank sign.
Genre photo. Branch of Finam Investment Bank.
Genre photo. Municipal Improvement Center Employees at work. Removal of cut down trees.
Genre photo. Branch of Sberbank.
Genre photo. Office of VTB Bank.
Genre photo. Road closed sign (left arrow).
Genre photo. Cathedral Square. Belgorod Region Government Headquarters. Stele "City of Military Glory".
Genre photo. Belgorod City Hall.
Genre photo. Belgorod City Hall.
Genre photo. Stele "City of Military Glory".
Genre photo. Belgorod City Hall.