Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova, right, and her husband, National Direct Investment Agency CEO Igor Vdovin, left, attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova, right, and her husband, National Direct Investment Agency CEO Igor Vdovin, left, attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova and her daughter Ariadna attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova, right, and President of the Russian Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin, left, attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
President of the Russian Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin, left, attends a party devoted to the 30th birthday of ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova.
TV anchors Andrey Malakhov, left, and Oksana Pushkina, right, attend a party devoted to the 30th birthday of ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova, right, and her mother Tamara Vladimirovna attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova, centre, her husband, National Direct Investment Agency CEO Igor Vdovin, right, and their daughter Ariadna attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova, left, her husband, National Direct Investment Agency CEO Igor Vdovin, right, and attend a party devoted to dancer's 30th birthday.
Ballet dancer Anastasiya Volochkova and her husband National Investment Agency CEO Igor Vdovin with their daughter Ariadna attend Volochkova's birthday party in Gorki restaurant.