All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rate.
The All-Russia action in streets of Moscow against intentions of the budgetary commission of Council of Federation of Russia to change the law on the transport tax in which the opportunity of fivefold increase in rates now will be stipulated.
All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rates.
All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rates.
All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rates.
All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rates.
All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rates.
All-Russian rally against the ammendment of Transport tax law. Amendment proposed by the Russian Federation Council budget committee provides fivefold tax rate.