14 February, Friday





№ Photos


Law [English translation in progress (1)]

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[English translation in progress (1)]

Former top manager of Inter RAO Karina Turcan (center), accused of espionage, before the session of…

Former top manager of Inter RAO Karina Turcan (right), accused of espionage, and lawyer Ivan Pavlov…

Former Top Executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan, accused of espionage, arrives at the hearing in…

Former Top Executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan (left), accused of espionage, arrives at the…

[English translation in progress (1)]

Former top executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan, accused of espionage, arrives at the hearing in…

Genre photo. Statue of Goddess of Justice Themis.

Genre photo. Sign reading: "First Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction."

Former top executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan (center), accused of espionage, is seen before the…

Former top executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan (left), accused of espionage, is seen before the…

Former top executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan (right), accused of espionage, arrives at the…

Former top executive of Inter RAO Karina Tsurcan (second from right), accused of espionage, arrives…

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